Portage Orthodontics

Easy Flossing Alternatives to Preserve Your Healthy Smile | Orthodontist in Portage, MI 49002

Easy Flossing Alternatives to Preserve Your Healthy Smile

If there is one recommended dental habit that many people struggle to embrace, it’s flossing. Whether you find traditional thread flossing challenging to maneuver, messy, or just time consuming, you are not alone. However, The American Dental Association (ADA) and our office want you to be able to floss regularly and thoroughly.

Facts You May Not Have Known About Oral Cancer | Portage, MI 49002 Orthodontist

Facts You May Not Have Known About Oral Cancer

According to The American Academy for Oral Systemic Health, oral cancer claims one American life every hour of every day. Unfortunately, most cases go undetected until it is too late, making the need for regular examinations of even greater importance. Those who are proactive and seek treatment early have the best chance of beating the disease and living a long,

Orthodontist Portage, MI | Am I a Candidate for Clear Aligners?

portage orthodontist

More people than ever are discovering the amazing benefits that clear aligners, such as Invisalign or ClearCorrect can bring to their orthodontic treatment. If you’ve been considering this orthodontic option, but still want to know whether or not you would be a good candidate for the treatment,

49002 Orthodontist | How to Choose The Best Orthodontic Treatment For You

orthodontist in portage

Orthodontic care is one of the most important investments in your health, your appearance, and your confidence that you can make. That being said, you don’t want to rush blindly into your treatment without knowing that you have the best option for you.

Orthodontist Portage | Improve More Than Just Your Smile With Orthodontic Care

There are many reasons why you may be looking to visit our Portage orthodontic office. Some of those reasons may be that you’re looking to improve your smile. Maybe you’re bringing in your child for their own orthodontic treatment

Portage MI Orthodontist | 8 Essential Questions to Ask Before You Get Braces

Whether you are considering orthodontic work for yourself or your child, there are many questions you will want answered before committing to a treatment plan. Here is a list of key conversations to have with our team during your next appointment:


Orthodontist in Portage | How Orthodontics Can Alleviate TMJ Symptoms

Your temporomandibular joint serves as a hinge that connects your jaw to your skull’s temporal bones (located just in front of your ears). This joint allows you to move your jaw up and down and from side to side, motions that are necessary when you talk,

Portage Orthodontist | Adult Orthodontics Myths and Facts

If you are considering orthodontic treatment as an adult, chances are you have a few misconceptions about your treatment options. The field of orthodontics has come a long way in recent years, and you may be pleasantly surprised to discover that adult braces can be discreet,

Orthodontist in 49002 | Too Busy for Orthodontic Care? Not Anymore.

You’re busy with life. We get it. From work, to kids, to anything else that comes your way, you may not be able to remember the last time you had “free time”. As busy as you are, it may feel impossible to find the time to get orthodontic care for your crooked or misaligned teeth.

Orthodontics Portage | Simple Tips to Prepare Your Child for Braces

If your child is a candidate for braces, chances are both of you have a least a few questions and potential concerns. Young children and even teens may feel a combination of apprehension and excitement as they begin their journey towards a straighter smile.