Portage Orthodontist

Maintaining Your Retainer | Best Orthodontist Portage

Are you going days, or even weeks, without cleaning your retainer? A retainer has the same bacteria as your mouth and, if not cleaned daily, is almost equivalent to not brushing your teeth for weeks. You accumulate bacteria throughout the day, which can lead to bad breath,

The Risks of Braces | 49002 Orthodontist

Braces are a common rite of passage for many people, and, thankfully, they have become more comfortable over the years. People generally have few problems with their braces outside of the expected minor discomfort. However, depending on your lifestyle, there are potential risks to consider.

Traditional Braces Versus Clear Aligners | Orthodontist Portage MI

Whether it’s for purely cosmetic reasons or to improve oral function, many people seek orthodontic treatment to help improve their smile. Braces and Invisalign® (clear aligners)  are both popular options used for straightening teeth. Though both can be incredibly effective, each has their own unique strengths that can help determine which is better for your particular needs.

The Effects of Fruit Juice on Your Teeth | Portage Orthodontist


Don’t be fooled by the label “100 percent fruit juice.” Drinks advertised in this way might seem like a healthy choice, but these drinks may be doing more harm than good. In fact, fruit juices contain loads of sugar that can lead to tooth decay.

Braces 101 | Sage Orthodontics in Portage MI


Braces can help create a straight, healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. Ideally, any corrections to the bite, jaw, or mouth structure should be done during early adolescence while the mouth is still forming. Here’s what you need to know before your child begins treatment with braces.

How To Handle Common Issues With Your Braces | Portage MI Orthodontist

Braces are the most popular and effective way to correct the alignment of your teeth. For some orthodontic patients, minor irritation or other issues can occur. Luckily, these issues are often easily resolved. For your reference, we’ve compiled a guide to understanding how to best handle a few issues you might experience.

Ways To Care For Your Retainer | Orthodontist Portage MI

When you first get your retainer it can be easy to forget it or neglect it. Once you get used to having one, it can become second nature to regularly care for it. Your retainer is an important way to maintain the position of your teeth after orthodontic treatment. 

Every Athlete Needs One Piece of Equipment | Portage MI Orthodontist

For every athlete, in every sport, there is always the risk of an injury. Mouthguards are an excellent piece of gear for protecting the mouth, face, and jaw from injury. Our team can help you find the right mouthguard for you to protect your teeth in the best way possible.

Do You Grind Your Teeth? | Orthodontist Portage MI

You could be grinding your teeth at night without even realizing it. Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can be damaging for several different reasons.

Are you or your child struggling with teeth grinding? We can assist you in addressing the source of the problem and then assess the damage to your teeth.

7 Things To Do With Your Child Before They Turn 7 | Portage Orthodontics

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Children grow up quick, in what seems like the blink of an eye, they are walking, talking, and starting school. It is for this reason that it’s important we not take the little moments shared with our kids for granted.

Here are seven things shared by our Portage orthodontist to do with your child before they turn seven:
