Month: February 2024

There’s More to Malocclusion Than a Bad Bite | Portage Orthodontist

We are all aware of the aesthetic problems associated with misaligned teeth and jaws. Despite this, the consequences of malocclusion extend far beyond aesthetics, negatively affecting your oral and overall health. In this article, we will discuss some of the most serious health effects that malocclusion can have on the body.

What Are the Benefits of Brushing More Frequently With Braces? | Orthodontics Portage MI

There are many different parts to your braces, all of which might interfere with your ability to brush your teeth thoroughly. After every meal, your wires, brackets, and bands can trap food particles, even if you feel like your mouth is completely clean. You can maintain excellent oral health throughout your orthodontic treatment and beyond by giving your mouth a quick rinse and brushing after meals.