Braces can help create a straight, healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. Ideally, any corrections to the bite, jaw, or mouth structure should be done during early adolescence while the mouth is still forming. Here’s what you need to know before your child begins treatment with braces.
The Reason Behind Braces
Braces are used to correct improper bites, crowding, and misaligned teeth. If your child has an overbite or underbite, braces may be recommended along with another orthodontic appliance to shift the jaw. Additionally, braces are used to correct gaps between teeth as well as teeth that are growing in a crooked position.
When To Start
Braces are more effective in younger patients because the jaw structure is still forming.
According to the American Dental Association, the majority of orthodontic treatment cases typically begin between the ages of 8 and 14. Your child’s particular course of treatment is going to be dependent on a number of factors including mouth structure and the progress of erupting adult teeth.
The Benefit to Braces
It may be difficult for your child to imagine an extended period of time without being able to eat sticky, gummy foods or chew bubblegum, however there are numerous benefits to your child’s overall health and well-being that can be achieved with braces. By straightening teeth and closing gaps, your child’s gum health will be improved. Braces can prevent dental complications later in life, removing the need for more advanced corrective procedures. Your child’s confidence will also be boosted once they see the results of a straight, beautiful smile.
Braces may be an inconvenience short-term, but your child will thank you in the long run. By starting at a younger age, the treatment is likely to be most effective. We invite you and your child to discuss the benefits of having braces with our team. During your appointment, we will provide a complete examination and make a recommendation for a treatment plan that will work best for your child. To schedule your child’s next visit to our office, please contact our friendly team.